Defense Phase

Press [1][2][3][4] or click on a trap to equip it.

[Left Click] ON TOP OF A LANE to place a trap

[Spacebar] To pause and show instructions in game.

Turret Placing Phase

[W][A][S][D] To move camera around

[Left click] And drag towers from the shop to the circles on the battlefield.


  • To regain energy, hit enemies with BASIC trap
  • Every trap except basic trap uses energy
  • The TURBO button sends in more waves simultaneously. Once you are comfortable with the traps and towers, feel free to experiment with this for a more adrenaline filled experience.
  • Towers can not be sold. Saving some centralized spots for more expensive towers can be a good strategy.
  • Game goes on for 20 rounds, the victory screen is bugged in the web build so if you get to round 21 you won the game.


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Hii Alvin!!!

Oh hey Wacky!! You made it underwater  lol🫧